3 min read

Property Division Upon Divorce - What’s Fair?

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Published on
14 October 2024

In Singapore, property purchase often includes unequal amount of CPF and Cash. Upon disposal of the property, one has to return the proceed to CPF with accrued interest first, and receive the excess (if any) in cash portion.

When division of property happened during divorce and sale is mandated, how should one manage the division fairly? 

  1. 50-50 after CPF proceed return
  2. 50-50 include CPF proceed return

Let’s put the number into context :

House purchase $800k

CPF contribution A $200K, B $300K 

Cash contribution A $150K, B $150K

House sold at $1M

For scenario 1: 50-50 after CPF return

CPF return: A $250K, B $380K

Cash return: A $185K, B $185K

Total division: A $435K, B $565K

For scenario 2: 50-50 include CPF return

Total division: A $500K, B $500K

CPF return: A $250K, B $380K

Cash return: A $250K, B $120K

For first scenario, in event of unequal CPF contribution, the one with higher CPF contribution will benefit more from the settlement, thus getting more than 50% of proceeds. 

So which one is fair in your opinion?

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